Each poem must be of the poet’s own construction, and only one poem shall be performed
No costumes, props, musical instruments, or back-up vocalists. Minor infractions on these rules will result in up to 2 points in deductions (host will determine severity of the penalty). Blatant disregard for these rules may result in disqualification. **note: a prop is defined as anything that is not available to ALL poets. Therefore items such as chairs, mic stands, microphones, etc. are not viewed as “props” and are therefore fair game**
Performances are limited to 3 minutes (plus a 10 second grace period). At 3 minutes and 11 seconds, time penalties will be handed out at a rate of one-tenth of a point for every 10 seconds over-time. The clock starts once the poet makes his/her first utterance.
Of the 5 scores received from the audience judges, the high and low scores are dropped, and the middle three are added together, giving a poet a maximum score of 30.
The top 3 poets from the first round move on to the second round to share a second poem. Scores are reset and the winners are determined solely from the second round scores.
Any acts of violence, misconduct, or unsportsmanlike behavior towards another poet, audience member, or organizer of this event will result in immediate disqualification. Offender will be prohibited from admission to future HawaiiSlam events as determined by the host.
The Poet Selection Process Our two main goals at HawaiiSlam are to throw high-quality poetry shows and to serve the community by creating a forum for artistic expression. To make the poet selection process transparent, here is the method that is used to determine who will make it up to the stage tonight (with approximate percentages to indicate how many poets will be chosen through each method):
Random Drawing (60%): there is a letter next to each line on the sign up sheet. These letters have been thrown into a hat, and will determine who gets in through the random drawing.
Poet Rankings (20%): top ranking poets who continue to intrigue the audience will receive a spot in the lineup tonight. Poet rankings have been determined by taking into account performances at First Thursdays over the past 6 months.
Host’s Choice (20%): the host shall choose a few poets who were not selected through the random drawing or the poet rankings. Preference in this category goes to poets who will round out the show and/or who are rookies to the First Thursdays stage.
We try our best to get as many poets up on stage as possible. If you are not chosen to perform tonight, please do not get frustrated. You can always come back next month. Also, since this is a slam poetry competition, first preference will be given to the poets who intend to compete in the competition.
Team HawaiiSlam 2020
Starting September of 2019, the top two poets from each First Thursdays will qualify for the 2020 HawaiiSlam finals, which will be held on April 2, 2020 to determine the 2020 HawaiiSlam team. This team will either receive a cash prize, travel to the continental United States to participate in a poetry slam tournament, or go on tour. Details to be posted on the HawaiiSlam website later on in the season.
Qualifying poets must : 1) be able to compete in the HawaiiSlam finals on April 2nd, and 2) must be able to attend practices with the team (if applicable) in Honolulu and represent HawaiiSlam throughout the year. Failure to meet any of these requirements will result in disqualification for the HawaiiSlam finals competition in 2020.
If any of the top two poets from a slam are disqualified from competing in the 2020 HawaiiSlam finals for the above reasons, or are already in the 2020 finals (i.e. they took top two in a previous slam), their spot will be passed on to the person who finished third during that particular slam (and so on). Poets who qualify through this default method will go first during the 2020 HawaiiSlam finals (giving a slight home court advantage to the poets who qualified by placing in the top two slots in their respective slams).
The 2020 HawaiiSlam finals will take all the qualifying poets and narrow them down to a team through a 3-round elimination match (rules and details of the finals will be released to the competing poets prior to the finals competition). Being selected for the HawaiiSlam team is a huge responsibility. These poets will serve as ambassadors of the slam scene in Hawaii, and for poetry slam in general.
Please note that any and all communications will be sent via email, so please make sure you put your email on the sign-in list for poets. For more information, check out www.HawaiiSlam.com